Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who Dat?!

Mom and dad took us to the dog park the other day which is pretty much our favorite destination for a CAR RIDE ever.
While we were there we met this little black and white blob that is almost impossible to catch on a camera. Who does this look like to you? I'll give you a couple guesses:

I kept barking "HEY there, have you heard of Ruby? Are you Petra? Are you related to Fig? Maybe you know my friends?"
But she was too busy to answer.
She sure was cute!


Stanislaw said...

Bark parks are THE BEST ever! That loopy pup sure looks like fun. I hope you had a great time!

Petra said...

haha! That boston looked like a ball of energy! I wish it would have been ME playing with you guys at the park!

Ruby Bleu said...

I'm with Little P...I sure wish I was there playing with you would have been SOOOOO much fun!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Clover said...

Hi Suki!
Your park looks really pretty! I bet it is fun to play in! It sure looks like you had fun. And what a cute new buddy you found!
Love Clover xo

Nevis said...

Very cute! :)

Eduardo said...

She looks just like Petra!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Rachele Jean Beck said...

You all look like you are having FUN!
Jemima Jones Beck

Jemima Jones Beck said...

Hi! Jen (not
Sorry that I signed in and commented with the wrong blogger account earlier. That happens to me sometimes since I have two blogs. But I usually end up commenting on knitting blogs as my dog instead of on pug blogs as me!
Yep, I really knit those (the thong and pasties) for my Mom. She was absolutely horrified and refused to even consider trying them on ;)
I thought that they were hilarious!
Rachele (not Jemima)

Joe Stains said...

ya, look at that cutey!!

Anonymous said...

ohmydog - it was NOT ME because i am not that skinny!!!

wally said...

WOoo! Your bark park looks totes fun. Glad you made some friends, blurry though they may be. In my advanced age everyone's a bit blurry.

wally t.

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

What a great time you must have had! Did you ever get that blur's name?