Holy CRAP - it doesn't get ANY cuter than you guys! Although I think you, Ms Suki Suki Sue, are the CUTEREST. No offense to Mr Face, of course; he's quite handsome in his own right. :-)
DANG doesn't EVEN begin to describe the photographic cuteness I just witnessed. That first photo of you was HIL-AIRE-EOUS! The last one was cute cubed! (You have the perfect little black diamond on your wrinkly forehead!)
You and Mr. Face are the perfect color combination! (He's a good looking guy too, by the way.)
Cute, cuter, cutest ~~~ those pictures just keep getting better and better! I really like the one with you and your dad.
Holy CRAP - it doesn't get ANY cuter than you guys! Although I think you, Ms Suki Suki Sue, are the CUTEREST. No offense to Mr Face, of course; he's quite handsome in his own right. :-)
You certainly are!
Roxy & Lucky
Such cute puglets!
Yes you two are very cute!! :)
You know it, Suki! Those are the best pictures. I SUPER love the last one. :)
Hope you are getting all settled in!
Love Clover xo
Ha! Love 'em all!
We got our aerogarden from Amazon.com! You guys are sooo cute.
Awwwwwww! You guys ARE super cute!
Wow--the title says it alL!
My ma ape was curious how your apes get anything at all done when they must have to stop every 14 seconds and marvel at your cuteness.
wally t.
Suki Girl!
DANG doesn't EVEN begin to describe the photographic cuteness I just witnessed. That first photo of you was HIL-AIRE-EOUS! The last one was cute cubed! (You have the perfect little black diamond on your wrinkly forehead!)
You and Mr. Face are the perfect color combination! (He's a good looking guy too, by the way.)
Goober love,
Man, you got that right.
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