Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

This is my second Thanksgiving feast and over the last year I have had a lot of reasons to be thankful. Here is a list of all the things I am thankful for:

1. My brother Mojo. Last weekend Moj went over to the Big House for a sleepover with Chili and I missed him terribly. Oh Mojo, how sweet it is to be loved by you.

2. Mom and dad. Mojo and I woof them and they love us too.
3. AUNTIES! They're such good friends to mommy, I love them and they spoil me so.

4. Auntie Maui gets her very own number...
...because she is cooking up a MINI AUNTIE MAUI!
(We can't wait to meet you, Kinsy! We're thankful for you already!)

5. Grandma, Grandpa, Trigger and Jakee!

6. People who leave empty beer glasses on the floor. This picture says it all.

7. Buddies like Mojo's brother, Chili!

8. Soft snuggly places.

9. The kitchen where we always have enough food to fill our pug bellies.

10. Last but certainly NOT least: Every one of my bloggy friends! Mojo, mom and I are so thankful you still want to be our buddies even as mommy is being such a bad secretary.

Happy Thanksgiving, everydog!


kaui said...

yay suki u updated! glad to see all your beautiiiiful pictures and handsome pictures of mojo ;) I hope u had a great thanksgiving just like i did! I am pooped out!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Clover said...

Happy Thanksgiving my BFF and Mojo and family! I love this post, you are so thoughtful, Suki!!
Love Clover xo

Stanley said...

Suki Girl!

It's always a pleasure to hear from you, and YES, you have so may great pups, peeps, and things in our life! We hope to get to know Mojo eventually. We LOVE all the photos of you two together. (Isn't it fun to have your own built-in wrasslin' partner right there in your own home?)

We were noticing that you have a perfect little black diamond when you wrinkle your forehead. TOtally cute, girlie.

Goober love & smooches,

Joe Stains said...

What a wonderful list to be thankful for, you are too cute!

Emily and Ike said...

Happy thanksgiving Suki and Mojo!

Stanislaw said...

Happy belated Turkey Neck Day to you too!

Bernard Hinault Lilje said...

That was such a thoughtful post!! We loved it!!


Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Hi Suki and Mojo! you have lots of family and friends! I am glad that you had a great thanksgiving! have you prepared your letter for Santa Paws already?

Petra said...

You have SO MUCH to be thankful for, Suki! I'm glad you had a happy Thanksgiving...and Christmas is just around the corner!

Goodboy Norman Featherstone said...

What a sweet and thankful Pug you are! You wouldn't last 10 minutes with me. LOL!

Nevis said...

Lovely photos! Suki finally updated her blog!!! :P Miss you guys!

Clover said...

Hi Suki,
I miss you. I hope things are going well with your mom's new job and school! Just wanted to tell you I was thinking of you guys!
Love Clover xo

L said...

You really do have a lot to be thankful for!

Thank you for sending us a card. What a great picture of you two!
Comet and BLU

wally said...

Oh my dog you two are cute! My favorite was the picture of you getting drunk!

wally t.

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy Thanksgiving Suki & Mojo

Katy said...

Hey Suki!
I've heard a lot about you, because my Mom used to have Suki & Joey :)

So I'm new to the fam and decided I want a blog like they used to have. Come visit me sometime, but my blog is brand new so not too many pics, yet.

P.S. My mom says she's sooo happy you have a brother!