Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I can be a bully sometimes.

Monday, November 15, 2010

So Bad

Omd you guys, mama has been so bad. She basically abandoned my dog blog and I am way puggy peeved. I want you to know though, that big bad lady has all of your blogs on her Google Reader and I totally keep up with them but forget to comment. So bascially, I know everything about you (if you update!) and you know nothing about me... Stalker much? So, sorry if that gives you the creeps.

To make up for that, here is a photo of me all dressed up for pug-o-weeeeen. You know you missed my pug mug!
Many apologies to Auntie Nen for the pic of her with closed eyes, but there are very few photos of me that don't involve the dreaded alien eyes.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Barkday Suki!

Happy third barkday to my little Suki Sumo Wrestler. Here are some photos of Sukes with her new birthday sock monkey bed.

Suki kind of looks like a sock monkey, actually.


Monday, May 3, 2010


Uncle Jakey Doodle the Beagle with the Periscope Tail came over to visit. Mama said he has been so overwhelmed by the all the dogs and the hooman toddler up at the Big House that he needed a dogcation.

Jake's kind of a drama queen, if you ask me. Mostly we just ignored each other, as you can see.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Trying Harder

If this hard week had taught me anything, it's that I need to make more of an effort to stay close to all my friends!

So I am going to try harder. Try to... harass mom to post more pictures of my pug mug! And all sorts of fun events. So much has happened lately! For instance, did you all know that I have a cousin? Her name is Kinsy and her first word was "DOGGY" because she is pawsome!

And a new buddy named Blanca too who adopted my aunti Jen!

Later I will dedicate an entire post to my new real life best friend/arch enemy, and explain that whole concept.

I hope everydoggy is doing well! And I want you all to know that although I may not comment I have been keeping up with your blogs the whole time on mom's google reader!

Friday, February 12, 2010


Goodbye, Wally. Thanks for teaching me about eatables, treatables, Wallymelon, and kindness. We'll miss you, buddy.